Welcome to
Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School
Proud to be Whitehill.
Welcome from the Headteacher
May I take this opportunity to welcome you to the Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School website. The staff and I hope this will mark the beginning of a long and happy relationship with our school.
During your child’s career in school we will endeavour to re-create the security and care that you have already given them in the home. We regard you as the first and most important educators of your child and we want to build on the experiences you have already provided…
Latest News

Y4 Headteacher’s Award
Today, this Year 4 superstar received the Headteacher Award for outstanding effort in Literacy. You have worked brilliantly, and should

Y1 Ceramics
This term, Blossom Class have been focusing on the techniques needed to produce a contemporary ceramic tile. The children practised

Whitehill Wonders!
Well done to last week’s Whitehill Wonders, who have shown a fantastic attitude towards their learning, and demonstrated the Whitehill

Y5/6 School Games Athletics
We are extremely proud of these Y5/6 sporting superstars, who represented Brinsworth Whitehill at the School Games Athletics Event. They

Children’s Mental Health Week in Y5/6
During Children’s Mental Health Week, Y5/6 have been working on the theme ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’. The children have been

Money Matters in Y1
Blossom Class have been super busy this week, learning all about the value of objects, and the currency used in

We are pleased to announce that we have been re-accredited with Rotherham Charter Gold Award for our work with parents, carers and children,. Here is a video receiving our award and celebrating our success in being re-accredited.
Well done to all the children, parents and staff for all their hard work.