Welcome to
Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School
Proud to be Whitehill.
Welcome from the Headteacher
May I take this opportunity to welcome you to the Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School website. The staff and I hope this will mark the beginning of a long and happy relationship with our school.
During your child’s career in school we will endeavour to re-create the security and care that you have already given them in the home. We regard you as the first and most important educators of your child and we want to build on the experiences you have already provided…
Latest News
Y3 Lionesses Mascot!
Last night, this Year 3 superstar was chosen by Sheffield Children’s Hospital to be a mascot for the Lionesses. We
Whitehill Wonders!
We would like to say a big well done to last weeks Whitehill Wonders! You all consistently work so hard,
Y5 Superstar!
We are super proud of this Y5 superstar, who made a speech at our Charter Gold presentation today! He spoke
Chromebooks in Y2!
Holly Class have been practising logging onto the Chromebooks independently, and learning the rules when using IT equipment. This week,
Y2 Literacy
This week, the children in Miss Hollingworth’s Literacy group have started to design their own Wild Thing after reading ‘Where
2D and 3D Shapes!
This week, Miss Hollingworth’s Maths group has been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. The children have recapped their
We are pleased to announce that we have been re-accredited with Rotherham Charter Gold Award for our work with parents, carers and children,. Here is a video receiving our award and celebrating our success in being re-accredited.
Well done to all the children, parents and staff for all their hard work.