Welcome to Year 1/2. Your teacher is Miss Hibberd. Mrs Womersley and Mrs Robson also work with our class.
We are excited to meet you and start Year 1/2 in September 2020. If you have any questions on starting school, please contact reception.

Hello! My name is Miss Hibberd and I am your Year 1/2 Teacher.
My name is Miss Hibberd and I work in Key Stage One. I am very excited to join you in Key Stage One and be your teacher. I love singing, dancing and acting and performing in shows. My favourite part I ever played in a show was Belle in Beauty and I also really enjoy performing in a pantomime every year. I also love to read and write and my favourite subject to teach is Literacy. I am always interested in what you are reading at home and what you think about it. I always love to read your writing in class particularly your stories.
This year’s main topics:
Autumn Term
From Field to Fork – How does our food grow? Where does our food come from?
A science topic based on plants and growing food. We will visit a working farm and try a variety of different foods.
Spring Term
Why Can’t I Fly?
How do aeroplanes fly? What use do different materials have and what can we use them for? Who invented the first aeroplane?
Summer Term
Who Am I?
Where do I live? What makes my home different to someone on another country? What is my body made of?
The school day starts at 8:50am with the classroom doors opening at 8:45am. Registration is at 9:00am and learning starts immediately after. The school day ends at 3:05pm and children will need to be collected by an adult from the classroom door.
If you would like your child to be collected from school by someone other than yourself, a form will need to be filled in to advise school who your child/children can leave with. Forms are available from the office or from the classroom.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle to keep in the classroom. This can be taken home every day and filled with fresh water.
Reading books and reading journals will be sent home daily, and it would be beneficial if children read at least 3 times at home during each week. Reading diaries should be kept up to date with a brief comment.
PE: Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Homework: Homework will be set every Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday.
Spellings: Spellings will be sent home every Friday and we will work on them throughout the following week. Our spelling test is every Friday morning.
This year your child will be in one of three home classes; Y1HL, Y1/2H or Y2P.
Your children will be registered in their home classes in a morning. Children then go their learning group for maths, phonics/ spelling and literacy. Children work in focused learning groups and we will send regular communication home to parents so ensure you know what sounds your child is working on.
In Key Stage One, on Mondays and Thursdays, we welcome parents into the classroom to share their child’s morning work with them. On all other days, we encourage children to be dropped at the door and walk into the classroom by themselves to hang their coat up and find their morning work. We also understand some children might not have a grown up with them every morning who is able to stay; this is not a problem as morning work should be something children can do with little support.
In the afternoon, children will be registered in their home classes and will stay in those classes for topic subjects.
We have lots of exciting things planned and look forward to the year ahead. Please come and see us if you have any questions or arrange an appointment with Mrs Peach (Key Stage Leader).

Hi, I’m Mrs Robson and I know most of you already! I live with my husband and my cat, and I love being outdoors in nature and travelling to different places. This means that I will enjoy teaching you about different cultures and places around the world. I can speak a bit of Spanish so come and chat to me if you know some too.
My name is Mrs Womersley. I have a daughter who is 12 years old and a cute little dog, a West Highland White Terrier, called Finlay. One of my favourite things to do is to take Finlay out for long walks in the countryside or at the coast and spending time with my family, making lots of happy memories. I also enjoy reading and can often be found in a quiet corner with a book.