“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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School Council 2024-2025

At the beginning of the year, the children voted for their new School Council members. Many of them applied, and wrote why they believe they would be the best representative. We now have a fantastic new group of School Councillors, who are eager to make sure that the voice of their classmates and themselves are heard.
Our new School Councillors for 2024-2025 are:
⭐ Ivy Y1
⭐ Sonny Y1 
⭐ Teddy Y2 
⭐ Connie Y2 
⭐ Isla E Y2 
⭐ Stanton Y2
⭐ Yahya Y3
⭐ Ethan Y3
⭐ Jaydon Y4
⭐ Waliya Y4
⭐ Erin Y4
⭐ Pearl Y4
⭐ Billy Y5
⭐ Layla Y5
⭐ Violet Y6
⭐ Antonia Y6
Well done everyone!
#WeBelieveInOurselves #WeWorkHard
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Y4 Headteacher’s Award

Today, this Year 4 superstar received the Headteacher Award for outstanding effort in Literacy. You have worked brilliantly, and should be extremely proud of yourself. Well

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