“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

F2 Create Poppies

What a lovely day in F2 today! We have started to think about Remembrance Day and what we think of when we see the poppy. Children created poppies in our funky fingers area and through using our sewing skills

KS1 Environment Rubbings

In KS1 We used our environment rubbings to focus on part of a castle picture and begin to sketch it. We used dots, thick and thin lines, and shading to create texture.

Chestnut Class Learn About Diwali

We have been learning about Diwali and will be writing a recount of our Diwali party. We told the story of Rama and Sita, made diva lamps, chalk rangoli patterns and Diwali lanterns. Check it out!

FS2 Start to Learn About Diwali

On Monday, we had a great first day back in FS2 and have started to learn about Diwali – the festival of light. We have designed and made some diva lamps using clay. We were really proud of what the children created.

Oak Class Visit Clifton Park Museum

What an amazing day Oak Class had at Clifton Park Museum on Monday! They learned all about the Romans in Rotherham and why the fort was called Templeborough. The children handled Roman artefacts and thought about what they could be. They then met Verecud, a Roman who sold goods and the children were able to […]

Year 3 Student Gets Scouted by Sheffield Wednesday

Over the half term holidays, one of our Year 3 students was scouted by Sheffield Wednesday whilst playing for his football club in a cup match. He was invited down to train with Sheffield Wednesday Academy on Sunday – training with a new team, meeting new people and working really really hard. What an amazing […]

Exploring Pumpkins!

Before the half term, we loved exploring the concepts of size, weight, colour and texture with pumpkins! The children loved seeing what the pumpkins looked like inside.

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