Christmas Art Club

KS2 children are working together, sharing ideas, being creative and most importantly, enjoying themselves creating a Christmas picture for display. Mrs Holmes and Miss Beaty can’t wait to put it up in the hall! 🎄🎅
Rotherham Minster Moon Exhibition

Some of our children took part in drama activities as part of the Museum of the Moon exhibition at Rotherham Minster. They were an absolute credit to the school, following the Whitehill Way.
Menu Tasting

Our school councillors met with Alison from Taylor Shaw regarding new menu options. We had a great tasting session and voted for our favourites. The winner will be on the menu in the new year! 🤭
More Headteacher’s Awards!!

More headteacher’s awards in Year 2 this week for fantastic effort in writing! Well done! 🤩
Headteacher’s Awards!

Fantastic Maths from these KS1 superstars! Headteacher’s awards for you!! 👏
Y5/6 Climbing Challenge

Year 5/6 have shown great resilience and team work at the climbing wall. They set themselves a target and with the encouragement from their peers, they all managed to achieve it! ⭐🧗♂️
Whitehill Wonders 🤩

Our brilliant Whitehill Wonders from last week! ⭐👏
Headteacher’s Award 🤩

Headteacher’s award for this Year 1 superstar for fantastic Maths!!
Autumn Crafts!

In Arts and Crafts club, the children have been making autumn wreaths. 🍁 They used different colours and paper textures to create these lovely autumnal decorations!
Superstar Artist! ⭐

Miss Beaty was so impressed with this young man’s effort in Art, she nominated him for a headteacher’s award! #whitehillwonders