“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

KS1 Easter Crafts 🐣

Another busy evening in KS1 Craft Club last night where the children made Easter chicks. 🐣We have some very creative children!!

TEKK Challenge Final 🛠

After weeks and weeks of overcoming obstacles and incredible teamwork, the Brinsworth Whitehill TEKK team presented their final project at the HSBC finals. The children took great pride in discussing their playground and answered the judges questions fantastically. As a school, we are all really proud of their efforts and commitment towards the project! 👏

KS2 Boccia Event

Last week, these superstars had a fab time at Boccia. They made Mrs Ross really proud and came first! 🤩👏

Elm Class Artists

This week, in Elm class we started to experiment using a technique called Sgraffito where we layered dark oil pastel over light and then scratched the dark surface away to create a design. This was a skill building up to our final piece through studying the artist Mackenzie Thorpe. Well done everyone! 🤩

Literacy Superstar 🌟

What a way to start the day today – Headteacher’s award for this Y5 superstar for outstanding work in literacy. 👏

Royal Navy Careers Visit Brinsworth Whitehill

Yesterday we had the Royal Navy visit school. The North East Team 2 gave a presentation about the careers available through the Royal Navy which really opened the eyes of our children. We then made flares and launched them on the playground. We had a fantastic day and the children really enjoyed learning about the […]

Artist Focus 🎨

Children in year 5/6 are studying the artist ‘Picasso’, focusing on the ‘ Cubist Movement’ and ‘Blue Period’. After collecting information in their sketchbooks, the children chose an object of their choice and used lines to create geometric shapes and angular spaces, focusing on printing. 

Chestnut Class Learn First Aid

Chestnut class had a fantastic morning learning all about first aid and what to do in an emergency. They then acted out different scenarios and thought about what important questions they would have to answer if there was an emergency. Well done everyone!

Year 5/6 First Aiders 🚨

Year 5/6 enjoyed learning a variety of first aid on Monday. They learnt lots of important information and each put their new skills to practice ensuring they remembered all of the steps!  ⛑️📞💉

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