“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Chestnut Class Make Pencil Cases in DT

Chestnut Class had a wonderful day making their pencil cases in DT. They selected the materials, threaded needles and sewed their very own pencil cases. We were all so proud of them!

F1 Make Sock Puppets

As part of our DT project, the children in F1 have made sock puppets. The children have really enjoyed cutting, sticking and sewing their designs.  They have made some amazing puppets to play with.

Adult Defibrillator Training

Our parents were invited into school to complete Adult Defibrillator Training. Here is what they said… “Glad I’ve done this training, I feel more confident now.” “It was really good to have a re-fresh of First Aid.” “It’s great to have learnt these lifesaving skills.”

Chestnut Class’ First Aid Training

Chestnut Class were very lucky to have First Aid training last week. They learned what number to call and what to say if they call the emergency services. They then practised bandaging one another. Mrs Sharp was very proud of how hard they listened and how sensible they were.

WPT Y6 Prom 2022

On Wednesday night, we celebrated the end of our primary school journey in style at the WPT Y6 Prom! It was a fantastic evening which involved:   Lots of dancing  An awards ceremony  Photobooth   Arts & Crafts We all had a wonderful time and the children were a credit to Brinsworth Whitehill once again.  A big […]

Y5/Y6 WPT Residential 2022

Wow! What a time Y5 & Y6 had at the WPT Residential 2022! Spanning across three days and two nights, the students took part in a range of activities and sports, a trip to the Magna and camped outside on the WPT fields. From tchoukball, to treasure hunts, to canoeing and paddle boarding at Ulley […]

Our Cricketing Superstars

We are so proud of these cricketing superstars who represented school in the cricket finals. Well done to all of you! #whitehillwonders

Design a Sign for Millennium Park Winner

 We are incredibly proud of this young lady who won the ‘Design a Sign for Millennium Park’ competition. Here she is with Ward Councillors and Parish Councillors unveiling her winning design.

Gardening Club Plant Sale

We are so proud of our amazing Gardening Club team! Before the half term, they worked really hard to produce the wonderful plants on sale. Thank you to all the families who supported this event and a very special thank you to Mrs Wildgoose for making the magic happen!!! #whitehillwonders

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