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Weekly Update W/C 16th November 2020

It’s been another exciting week here at Brinsworth Whitehill, we marked anti-bullying week with odd socks day and learned lots of different new things!

Take a look at what our classes have been up to below ⬇


Children in FS2 have been looking at the forces they feel. We went out into the wind to see which way the autumn leaves would blow in the wind! We all had so much fun!!

As part of anti-bullying week. FS2 have created 3 class promises that we are all going to keep to make sure our class is happy and safe. We all signed the bottom to say we will keep our promises.

Year 1/2:

1/2H have been talking about Anti-Bullying Week. We have looked at what makes a good friend and friendly and unfriendly actions.


We interviewed Mrs Oxborough on her opinions about healthy eating. She was SO impressed with our questions, listening and manners, she presented us Y2P with a Headteacher’s Award. Mrs Peach is so proud. Well done Y2P.

We are learning about capacity. We had a race to fill up bottles with a capacity of 2l. We had to answer a number sentence to collect a container of water! It was lots of fun! Mrs Peach loved watching the race!

Year 3/4: 

In 3/4S and 3/4K, we have been learning about Walter Tull and the impact he has had on history. We have learned all about his life and have drawn comparisons to how footballers are treated today; in particular how Marcus Rashford is viewed by fans and the media. The children have discussed the subject with incredible maturity and sensitivity. Well done everyone!

This term, Years 3 and 4 have been learning all about the Vikings. We have researched where they have come from, why they left their homelands, what the Vikings home-life was like and who King Cnut was.

In science, we have learned about the forces all around us. We have carried out experiments on friction, gravity, air resistance and upthrust.

In art we have created our own longship art. We used water colours, pastels, different paint techniques and collage to create these.
In RE we have been learning all about ourselves and what inspires us. We have looked at inspirational people in history and discussed why these people are good leaders.


What an amazing piece of home learning from this young lady. Mrs Sharp was so impressed with the time and care spent on this. Well done!

3/4S had a fabulous odd sock day. We discussed what the socks could represent and how we are all different and unique. We then designed our own odd socks.
What a great start to anti bullying week in Y3/4H. Thank you to all those children who wore their odd socks. We designed some fantastic odd socks this week to show how we are all unique. Well done everyone!
We have had so much fun learning about pitch in science in Y3/4H. We even had the chance to test some instruments out to get a higher and lower pitch from them. We really enjoyed finding the pitch of the violin!
Mrs Kane loved seeing all the odd socks this week and talking about why it’s so important that we’re all different. Funky sock designs are on the way too!
Y3/4 did a great job of paper weaving in art. Look at their amazing results!
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