On the 16th November we held a Cinderella themed week in school. This was part of anti-bullying week. Within this we looked at the character of Cinderella and how she was unfairly treated by her stepsisters. We acted in role as Cinderella and made a video to send to the Fairy Godmother telling her how we felt and asking her for help. We then thought of what the Fairy Godmother might reply and we wrote an e-mail from her to help and reassure Cinderella. In addition to all of this fantastic work, we produced some amazing work to go on our displays in the school hall.

School News
#LetGirlsPlay Festival 2025
On Tuesday 4th March, we were really proud to participate in the #letgirlsplay event, hosted by Barclays Girls’ Football School Partnerships, supported by Rotherham School