This week in Year 5, we have been learning about friction! We looked at what creates friction and then set up an experiment to test the effect of friction on a moving object! First of all, we discussed method and how we would ensure it was a fair test. Then we discussed the hypothesis and what we thought might happen based on scientific knowledge. We then thought about how we would record the results and created a table. And then…the fun part! We finally got to conduct the experiment! It was very fun! Finally, we discussed the results and discovered that the bubble wrap created the most friction and the wooden flooring; the least and this was due to the smoothness of the surface. Then we thought about what areas we could improve if we were to conduct this experiment again to ensure the results are as accurate as possible.

#LetGirlsPlay Festival 2025
On Tuesday 4th March, we were really proud to participate in the #letgirlsplay event, hosted by Barclays Girls’ Football School Partnerships, supported by Rotherham School