“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Get ready for September. Apply now for a MegaTravel Pass.

Cheaper travel is available for all under 16s living in South Yorkshire with a MegaTravel Pass. MegaTravellers can travel in South Yorkshire for a single fare of 80p per journey on buses or trams. They can also buy discounted 1, 7 or 28 day tickets, which are loaded onto the pass, which might be cheaper if they travel regularly. Under 16s travelling without a valid pass may be charged full fare, so even if your pupils are not travelling on public transport right now, we’re encouraging early application so they’re ready to go in September. The pass proves a child is eligible to travel for the concessionary fare on public transport in South Yorkshire.

Instructions on how to apply for a MegaTravel Pass are available at https://www.travelsouthyorkshire.com/megatravel

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Cave Art in Y3/4

This week, Y3/4 created some amazing cave art, to do this they experimented with charcoal and tan crayons. Everyone had so much fun, and finished

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