“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Great Start to the School Year!

It has been such a fantastic start to the new school year!

All the children have settled in really well, and are working hard. The children in Elm Class have settled and adjusted to new routines. They have been amazing mathematicians and have impressed the staff with their super maths skills and knowledge of numbers. Also, they have astounded us with their enthusiasm during our first Ancient Greek history lesson, and have been experts at sequencing historical events on a timeline. Keep it up, Elm! 

Bumblebees have also had a brilliant first week! We are so proud of how the children have settled in and made friends. Everyone has had so much fun this week and we are looking forward to welcoming some more Bumblebees soon.

To add to the brilliance, Oak Class have also made a fantastic start to the school year! In Geography, they’ve made a start on the Africa unit by identifying the countries using an atlas.

Well done everyone!


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Whitehill Wonders!

Well done to last week’s Whitehill Wonders! You all consistently work so hard, and put in fantastic effort both in and out of school. You

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