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Our Trip to York

Class 3LB had a magnificent time in York!

On Wednesday 25th November 3LB visited York for the day. In the morning, two coaches arrived at school. We felt excited for the day ahead.

After about an hour and a half we arrived in York. We got off the coaches and sensibly walked to the Jorvik Centre.

A lady dressed in typical Viking clothing met us as we approached the Jorvik Centre. She led us into the museum. We were all eager to see what was inside!

The ride inside the museum was spectacular! We got to see a recreation of a Viking village. We couldn’t believe how realistic it all looked. It even recreated the actual smells from the Viking era- a bit stinky!

After lunch we went to The Dig. It was here where we got to see what it was like to be a real archaeologist (a person who examines ancient sites and objects to learn about the past).

We all got our own mini trowel and had a go at digging up objects from the Victorian, Medieval, Viking and Roman eras.

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‘’I found some coins from the Roman era’’ Jack Holden.

‘’I found a Medieval skeleton. It was big and only had half a skull!’’ Kai Bamford.

‘’I found a clay doll in the Victorian house’’ Bessie Hickman.

As we were walked back through York it was magical because all the Christmas decorations were shining and glistening.

We had a superb day in York and learnt lots about Vikings and how people find out about the past.





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