“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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What lies beneath?

The start of our first topic has been very exciting! We were making jellyfish, decorating other fish, sketching fish and writing reports about sea creatures.

We received a letter from Captain Jack Gannet and a camera full of pictures. Miss Stevens, Miss McDermott and Miss Betts had to get the pictures developed but some were very blurry because of the water inside the camera. Our job is to produce a program for the BBBC using the pictures that we have found. pterois_volitans_manado-e_edit

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Chestnut Class

Coding in Y2!

This week, Chestnut Class have really enjoyed their Coding lessons, where they learnt how to use Scratch Junior, and created algorithms to move their character

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