Y1 Reaching for the Stars!
As part of Children’s Mental Health Awareness week, Y1 have been “Reaching for the Stars” and setting ourselves goals (Of course Miss H had to share one of her favourite songs!). We planted cress and talked about how our goals sometimes take time to achieve and we don’t always see growth straight away.
Children’s Mental Health Week
In cherry blossom class we wrote down activities we could do when we are feeling worried. After this, we did some meditation.
Oak Class Try Meditation
The children in Oak class have really enjoyed learning about ways they can take care of their mental well-being. They have especially enjoyed meditation and we are aiming to meditate more often.
How to achieve your goals!
Chestnut class has been discussing their goals as part of Mental Health Week. The children talked about how we can achieve these and wrote down ideas of how we could reach our goal. Well done everybody!
Creative Art Techniques
Birch class used their art techniques to depict movement when creating Stone age animal style paintings on a cave wall.
Mental Health Week in FS2
We have been exploring our different feelings as part of Mental Health Week in FS2. We know we can feel happy, sad, angry, and scared, We thought carefully about what makes us happy and how we can make other people feel happy too.
Mental Health Week
As part of mental health week, children in FS1 read the book Glad Monster/Sad Monster. They talked about feelings and what made us feel happy, sad, and angry. Here are some children showing their angry and happy faces.
Headteacher Awards
Amazing writing from these Y1 superstars about their visit to the Transport Museum. Headteacher awards for all of you!
Willow Rockstars
Here are Willow Rockstars ready for the TT rockstars battle!
Thank You for Your NSPCC Numbers Day Donations!
Thank you for all of your kind donations for NSPCC Numbers Day. The children looked amazing!