“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

FS2 Learn about the Hindu festival Diwali

Last week we learned about the Hindu festival Diwali. We have enjoyed using clay to make our own diva lamps and have loved trying the food that is eaten at Diwali.

F1 Halloween Disco

Here are our scary F1 children ready for their Halloween disco. They had a wonderful time!

Halloween Disco

We had our Halloween disco last night which was a spooktacular event with lots of scary characters in some fantastic costumes.

Headteacher Award

Headteacher award for this superstar for outstanding care, pride, and presentation in maths.

KS1 Artists

Ks1 have really enjoyed studying the artist Claude Monet and his landscapes. The children captured their own landscapes through sketching, then created their finished pieces in paint using impressionist technique to fill the entire paper.

Magnificent Mathematicians

Headteacher awards for these magnificent mathematicians from Holly class for using strategies and showing perseverance. Superstars!

Gold School Games Mark

We are so proud to announce that we have been awarded the Gold School Games Mark. We are aiming for platinum next year!!!

KS1 Fair Test Experiment

Children in KS1 have been conducting a fair test experiment to find out which drinks are bad for our teeth.

Headteachers Award

These children have been working really hard using adjectives in their writing – Headteachers award for you!

Brinsworth White-01

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