“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Whitehill Wonders ⭐

We had some brilliant Whitehill Wonders and Pledge earners last week! Well done everyone. 👏

Paint a Pot Session

Last week we had a great Festive Themed ‘Paint a Pot’ afternoon with our families. Thank you to everyone who attended!

Year 3 MFL Lessons

The children in year 3 are really enjoying their MFL lessons. They have been learning all the animal names and also how ‘un’ and ‘une’ point to different genders. They wrote independent sentences using ‘voici’ ( here is) and ‘et’ (and). 

Y6 Receive their Leavers Hoodies

Proudly presented our Year 6 children with their leavers hoodies this week. Don’t they look amazing! 💙🥰 #whitehillwonders

Whitehill Wonders ⭐

What an amazing week for these Whitehill Wonders and Pledge earners! Well done everyone! 👏🤩

Mega Maths Unit

Miss Beevers’ Maths class have been working so hard during their fractions unit. Keep believing in yourselves and taking risks Year 5 ! ⭐

Exploring Electricity

Year 5/6 have been learning about electricity this term in Science. They have learnt the different symbols and drawn their own simple circuit. They then made their own simple circuit using 2 wires, a bulb and a battery. 💡 ⚡️

Super Sportsmanship ⭐

Headteacher’s awards for great teamwork and showing true sportsmanship in PE today for these Year 6 boys. Well done! #whitehillwonders

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