Y5/6 Frida Kahlo Study!

Y5/6 have added finishing touches to their artwork inspired by artist Frida Kahlo and the Surrealism movement period. We are so incredibly proud of the children’s resilience, in particular their use of oil pastels to blend tones and shades for skin and hair colour, creating amazing portraits and backgrounds. Well done everyone!
Whitehill Wonders!

Well done to last weeks fantastic Whitehill Wonders! You all work so hard, and consistently put in an amazing amount effort, both in and out of school. We couldn’t be more proud. You absolute superstars!
Y2 Directional Language in Maths!

In Maths last week, Mrs Sharp’s class had a fabulous morning practicing their directional language. The children placed a bean bag on the grid and then directed each other around the grid using their language of forwards, backwards, left and right. They worked together so well in their teams. Well done everyone!
WPT School Report

2024 marks 10 years since Wickersley School and Sports College academised and the inception of Wickersley Partnership Trust. To mark the occasion, WPT is putting on a range of events and activities to celebrate the milestone. One of these activities was the WPT School Report project. The aim of the project was to give students […]
Whitehill Wonders!

A huge well done to last weeks brilliant Whitehill Wonders! You work super hard, and consistently put in a fantastic amount effort, we couldn’t be more proud. You absolute superstars!
Coding in Birch Class!

This week, Birch Class have been using microbits to code! They have created name tags using the microbit, then they created algorithms and debugged their codes to improve them. Well done everyone!
Y5/6 WPT Residential 2024!

Year 5 and 6 had a fabulous time on their WPT Residential 2024! Everyone took part in lots of activities with the Rotherham School Games team, such as kayaking, and all the children absolutely loved it. Also, a huge thank you to South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue for providing a water safety workshop, which taught […]
Snowflake Appeal Fundraiser!

Thank you to everyone who made a contribution towards our annual fundraising for the Snowflake Appeal at Sheffield Children’s Hospital. We raised £178.00 on non-uniform day. What a great start to our target! Well done everyone!
Geography Fieldwork in Chestnut Class!

On Wednesday, Chestnut Class had a wonderful day celebrating Eid, whilst carrying out their fieldwork in Geography as part of their Fieldwork Fortnight. They went outside into our playground and took photographs of the different equipment. After this, they came back into the classroom and used what they had learned to design their own playground. […]
Y5/6 Cricket!

We couldn’t be more proud of our Y5/6 cricket team, they showed true sportsmanship at the Cricket Tournament! Also, a huge thank you to Rotherham School Games, who organised such a fantastic event. Well done everybody, outstanding effort!