“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Foundation Stage Learn About Diwali

The children in Foundation Stage have been learning all about the Hindu festival of Diwali. They have created diva lamps and rangoli and mehndi patterns. We also had a feast where we tried different foods from India. Happy Diwali everyone!

Y3/4 Visit the Peak District

What an amazing trip Y3/4 had to the Peak District where we visited Treak Cliff Cavern and had a walk around Castleton village. We saw some spectacular sights as we compared the Peak District to where we live. We are so proud of our children as they were all Whitehill Wonders.

Whitehill Wonders ⭐

Well done to our Whitehill Wonders last week! Look at how many fantastic achievers we had! 

Craft Club Poppies!

Our KS1 craft club have had great fun making poppies this week. They produced some wonderful final pieces in honour of remembrance day this weekend.

‘Caroline Appleyard’ Inspired Art

Year 5/6 have done such an amazing job creating their ‘Caroline Appleyard’ inspired art. The care and resilience used to paint with such detail is absolutely incredible. Based on Whitby and its famous landmarks, the children have made each piece unique. 

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