“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Y5-6 Visit Eden Camp

Last week, Year 5/6 visited Eden Camp! They extended their learning of World War 2 and amazed the adults by applying the learning from their history lessons. Everybody had a fantastic day and the children were all Whitehill Wonders! 

Harvest Festival Preparations

Holly class have been working super hard getting ready for our harvest festival on Tuesday. The children have been using natural resources and paint to create some harvest inspired art!

Investigating Forces

Cedar class have been investigating forces. We have investigated how different surfaces can slow things down and how the surface area of a parachute alter how it falls. We had fun making paper aeroplanes as aero dynamic as we could. ✈

Parent Reading Session

Blossom class really enjoyed their reading session with parents on Thursday afternoon! It was lovely to see all the smiley faces from our children, younger siblings and parents! 

Final Art Pieces for Y5/6

The children have been so excited to actually start work on their ‘final piece’ in Art. Caroline Appleyard is the artist, her work is fun, exciting and naive ( almost cartoon style) and the build up from lesson one has been incredible. We are all looking forward to seeing their finished pieces! 

Grown Ups Reading Time

Chestnut class had a lovely afternoon reading with their grown ups. It was wonderful to see the children sharing their favourite stories.

Bumblebees Exploring!

The Foundation Stage Children have been thinking about how they can take care of the wildlife outside. They have made bird feeders using pinecones and hung them around our outdoor area.

Y6 do Bike Riding🚴‍♀️

Our children in Year 6 have made us so proud with their positive attitudes in bikeability. #whitehillwonders 

🌟Whitehill Wonders – 06/10/23

Check out our Whitehill Wonders this week. They have followed the Whitehill Way consistently, working hard and dreaming big!👍🌟 Check out our pledges this week. Some of our children took part in an external event and some worked as a team, coming 1st in the Rotherham School Games Ten Pin Bowling competition😃👍

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