After School Club Autumn Photography

Children had lots of fun creating ‘Autumn style’ photos in their Photography after school club. They thought carefully about colour, shapes, light and shadow.
Year 5 Learn About Air Resistance

Y5/6 have been learning about air resistance in science so we made paper air planes. We then tested our planes outside to see how far they travelled.
Chestnut Class learn about the local area

Chestnut class had a fabulous Geography lesson learning all about the villages and locations that surround Rotherham town centre. They labelled the images in the books and wrote down all of the villages they had learned about. As a challenge they then looked through their atlas to see if they could find Rotherham on a map.
History with Elm Class

We have had a great history lesson in Elm class this week sorting sources into how reliable we think they are. All our sources were about the Anglo Saxon times.
Cultural Experience Pledge Winners

Some children took part in a cross country event at Abbey School. They achieved a cultural experience pledge for representing school in an event
Sycamore Learn About The Blitz

This week in Sycamore, we have been learning all about the blitz as part of our history unit. We have looked at how different groups of people were affected, as well as which areas were impacted the most. We have also looked at our local history by investigating how Sheffield was affected and why it was […]
Whitehill Wonders

Well done to our amazing Whitehill Wonders who have impressed our staff with their fantastic behaviour and attitude towards their learning
FS2 Capacity Vocabulary

The children in FS2 have been learning all about capacity and the correct vocabulary to use. Well done FS2!
Robotics Club

Children in KS1 thoroughly enjoyed programming the Marty robots in the after school club. We love learning new skills!
Craft Club

Children in KS1 enjoyed our first arts and crafts after school club! We can’t wait to see what they make next week.