Y1 Art Class!

Last week, Y1 turned their classroom into an art studio! The students have been studying the artist Keith Haring, who creates cartoon style art in bold, vibrant colours. Here, they are working on their final pieces! Once dry, a thick black outline will be added along with movement lines. Well done Year 1!
Oak Class Maths Superstars!

Miss Beevers’ Maths group have been working super hard on classifying and estimating angles this week. Some fantastic teamwork was on show during their lesson! Well done Oak class!
Y2 Science Tree Hunt!

Chestnut class had a wonderful science lesson learning all about trees! They worked together fantastically to categorise the trees into deciduous and evergreen. After this, they went on a tree hunt outside. Well done everyone!
Y6 Reading of Holes by Louis Sachar

This week, Year 6 have been reading the book Holes by Louis Sachar. They have been working really hard at answering questions based on a range of characters. They have summarised what impressions they gathered from each character, by using evidence from the book to support their ideas. Well done Y6!
Birch Class Literacy Group

Mrs Dobson’s literacy group have been hard at work, researching the seven wonders of the world in preparation for their writing next week. Well done Birch class!
Y1 Headteacher’s Award

This Year 1 superstar has won the Headteacher’s Award for their fantastic progress and effort in literacy. We are so proud of you!
Geography in Blossom Class

Blossom class have had a brilliant first week back, and have worked really hard! In geography, we started our learning by looking at the countries that make up the UK, and finding their capital cities. Well done Blossom class!
Holly Class Movement Lesson

The students in Holly class thoroughly enjoyed their movement lesson today. They practiced mirroring, leading and following their partners, and shared feedback with each other in a very positive way. The students finished their lesson with a relaxation exercise and felt very calm going into their next lesson. Well done Holly class!
Cedar Class’ Inspired Artwork

What a great start to the Summer term for Cedar! All the students have come back to school with so much enthusiasm and creativity. They have been working on their pieces of artwork, inspired by the work of Mackenzie Thorpe. Make sure you stay tuned to see their finished pieces. Well done Cedar class!
Bumblebees and The Three Little Pigs

In FS1, we have been learning all about the story of The Three Little Pigs. We have drawn pictures to retell the story, and have combined 2D shapes to create bigger shapes and houses for the pigs. We have also been looking at pictures of our own houses and discussing different materials. Well done Bumblebees!