It was a very sad day in FS1 as we had to say goodbye to our box.
Over the last few weeks it has been many things: a shop, a cave, an ice cream van and Santa’s sleigh. The children have had so much fun!
The snow is here! FS2 have tried to catch snowflakes on their tongues. 🥶❄️🌨
FS2 had a visitor in their class! We can’t wait to see what they get up to this week…
In Geography, Y2P have been learning about houses in different countries. We found out that they look different because they are built to suit the weather. Check out our posters!
Tick tock! We finished our time telling in Y2 by making our own clocks. We labelled the important parts and Mrs Peach has been very impressed as most children can tell the time to o clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to!
3/4S had a marvellous morning decorating the Christmas tree. They hung baubles and covered the classroom in tinsel. Mrs Sharp had such a lovely day!
Mrs Sharp loves the display her class have produced for the Christmas around the world display. The children created their own tree, candles, nutcrackers, angels, wreath and delicious stollen. Can you guess what country they have learned about?