“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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FS2 Enjoying the Snow

Today, the children in Foundation 2 were challenged to make two snowmen; one that was taller than themselves and one that was shorter!

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Careers Week with FS2

This week is Career’s Week and in Foundation Stage Two we have been thinking about what we would like to do when we are adults. We

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F2 Loved Pancake Day

The children in F2 have loved Pancake Day.🥞 They read the story of Mr Wolf’s Pancakes before making their own. They tried different toppings and

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Weaving Wonders 🤗

This week we have been continuing our learning about the artist, Anna Ray. We have explored different materials and discussed which are suitable for weaving.

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FS2 Literacy

This week we read the story ‘One Snowy Night’ by Nick Butterworth. In Literacy, we sequenced the story and wrote about the main events.

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Letters to Santa!

Last week we walked to the post box to post the letters we have written to Father Christmas.

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FS2 Working Hard

Last week the children have really enjoyed box modeling. They have worked hard on some amazing creations! They have also been busy painting circles in

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FS2 Fruit Salad

Last week we loved making a fruit salad! We worked hard to cut the fruit carefully and safely into segments. We all enjoyed eating it

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FS2 Exploring Outdoors!

This week we have loved exploring our outdoor area! We’ve had lots of fun bug hunting and pretending to be firefighters!

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Whitehill Wonders!

Well done to the final group of this year’s Whitehill Wonders! You all work super hard, and consistently put in so much effort, both in

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