“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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School News

Brinsworth Cenotaph

Mrs Sharp was incredibly proud of the children who represented our school at the Cenotaph in Brinsworth last week. They showed maturity and respect, and

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School News

Y5/6 Outside Art Observation!

This week in Art, Year 5/6 went outside and drew from direct observation, to gather ideas for their Frida Kahlo portrait backgrounds. They will choose

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School News

Whitehill Wonders!

Well done to all our amazing Whitehill Wonders at the end of last half term! You have put in some fantastic effort both in and

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School News

Headteacher Award!

We are so proud of this young man who received the Headteacher’s award last week! He has been working really hard to improve his reading,

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School News

Y6 Bowling Trip!

At the end of term, Y6 had the special treat of going bowling! Everyone had such a great time, and it was the perfect opportunity

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School News

Farewell Mrs Holmes!

Last week, we said a very fond farewell to Mrs Holmes, who left us on the last day of term to follow her dream of

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School News

Headteacher’s Award!

This week, an absolute superstar won the Headteacher’s Award! They worked really hard and independently wrote an amazing story. We couldn’t be more proud, well

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School News

Y6 SATs Treat!

The Y6 children have worked so hard in the build up to SATs and have even been giving up their break times for extra boosters.

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Chestnut Class

Chestnut Class Habitat Hunt!

Last week, Chestnut Class had a fantastic time in Science, going on a habitat hunt. They looked for different plants and animals, and searched for

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School News

Whitehill Wonders!

Well done to last weeks fantastic Whitehill Wonders! You all work so hard, and consistently put in an amazing amount effort, both in and out

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