“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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National Thank a Teacher Day

National Thank a Teacher Day is a day when we can come together to say thank you to the teachers who make a huge difference to your lives – not just now during these unprecedented times – but every day!

This will take place on Wednesday 20th May 2020.

You can share your thanks in a message, video clip, piece of writing and/or reciting a poem, or by sharing a picture of a drawing.

Your teachers would love to hear from you!

More information can be found at: https://thankateacher.co.uk/thank-a-teacher-day/

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Rotherham School Games Panathlon

On Wednesday 26th February, Brinsworth Whitehill took part in the Rotherham School Games Primary Panathlon event. The day involved seven different activities across a morning

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