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Weekly Update – Week Commencing 9th September

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In PE, 1/2H have had fun learning a dance to this is me.

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Geraldine the giraffe helping Miss Hibberd’s phonics group practice writing words with the ‘ur’ sound.  Miss Hibberd’s Maths group have learnt a song and dance to help them count to and back from 20.  They also looked at how to represent numbers in different ways.

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In Mrs. Leng’s Numeracy group we have been counting objects. We have been reading and writing numbers in numerals and words and have represented numbers in lots of different ways. We have enjoyed chanting in ones, tens, fives and twos.

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Today we had a guest in the F1 garden. We loved watching the tree surgeon cut the tree down and watching the branches fall.

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Y3/4K are already becoming experts on Ancient Greece.

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Lunar New Year in FS2

Last week, the FS2 children had the most fantastic time learning all about Lunar New Year. They loved taking part in activities such as, painting

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