“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Electrical Circuits in Elm Class!

In Elm Class, they have been investigating electrical circuits in Science! They explored the different components that can be used to make a complete circuit. The children then worked in teams to form simple circuits, some of them could even use a switch within their circuit. Well done everyone, great teamwork!

Headteacher’s Award!

Last week, the Headteacher’s Award went to these superstars for their fantastic effort in Maths and reading, you should all be very proud of yourselves. Well done! #WhitehillWonders

Whitehill Wonders!

Congratulations to last weeks fantastic Whitehill Wonders! You consistently work hard, and put in amazing effort both in and out of school.  Well done everyone!

Henri Matisse Artwork in FS2!

In FS2, everyone has been learning all about the artist Henri Matisse. The children learnt that he liked to use bright vibrant colours and collage to create his master pieces! They incorporated both of these aspects to make some beautiful artwork inspired by him.   Well done everyone!

Anancy and Mr Drybone study in Blossom Class!

What a fantastic week we had in Blossom Class! In Literacy, we finished our exciting new book called Anancy and Mr Drybone. We were all very glad there was a happy ending! We also answered questions and made references from the text. We then looked at what adjectives we could use to describe Mr Drybone […]

KS1 Craft Club!

Last week, KS1 Craft Club got super creative! All the children made Father’s Day cards, they had lots of fun coming up with designs and colouring them in, and they all did such a brilliant job. Well done everyone!

Bumblebee Clay Work 👏

Our Bumblebees have loved creating shell patterned clay tiles They have worked hard to squash and roll the clay and then used seashells to make their prints and patterns. Great work guys! ⭐

Artist Focus 🎨

In Elm class we have created our final pieces in Art in the style of our focus artist, Iris Grace. We have loved learning about Iris as a skilled child artist and studying her creativity and expressive painting!

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