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The Owl Experience – 3/4S

Week 4 – The Owl Experience

The children took part in an Owl Experience as part of our spectacular Harry Potter topic. Bob the falconer (now an inspiring and exciting career choice for many of the children!) brought 4 fantastic owls for us to see up close and learn about. The children were amazed when the owls flew over their heads and skidded across the hall – much to their amusement! Archie, a beautiful Barn Owl, was definitely a favourite amongst Class 3/4S.  Some lucky children got to handle the owls. They were amazed when the magnificent birds swooped across the hall and landed on their arms! We were very brave!

The children also took part in owl inspired arts and crafts activities. We made owls out of paper plates and used outdoor materials to represent wings and fur. These have contributed to a fantastic display outside of our classroom.

Overall, the children had a ‘hoot’ and now know some wonderful facts about owls. We are still in disbelief that owls’ eyes are fixed and do not move!



Amy and Brooke

The owls were incredible! We could not stop laughing and smiling.

Owl Arts and Crafts

Owls come in all shapes and sizes!

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