“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Sparta VS Athens

In history, we have been studying ancient Greece! Willow class have loved learning about the different city states and their ways of life. On Monday, we debated whether we would rather live in Sparta or Athens. Here are some of the opinions we had! 

Science with Willow Class 🌱

In Science, Willow class undertook an experiment to explore how water is transported through a plant. We added food colouring to water so we could understand the process! 🤩 

Year 1 Superstars ⭐

More outstanding writing from Year 1 superstars  – headteachers award for you both. 👏 Well done both of you!

Mega Mathematician!

Headteacher’s award for this amazing mathematician! A huge well done for all your hard work.

Y1 Headteachers Award

Amazing writing from this Y1 superstar   – headteacher’s award for you!! Keep up the fantastic work.

Whitehill Wonders

Another amazing week from our Whitehill Wonders! Check out our Pledge winners this week.

Good Luck Mrs Mitchell!

We said a very fond farewell to Mrs Mitchell today who is leaving today to start a new adventure in another school. We will really miss her and hope that she keeps in touch! Good luck Mrs Mitchell!

Y2 Geography

Chestnut class had a great afternoon learning that not all maps are the same and some can look much different. They were then given the task of locating the Arctic on each map. Some fabulous work from our geographers in Y2!

Brinsworth White-01

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