“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Chestnut Class Habitat Hunt!

Last week, Chestnut Class had a fantastic time in Science, going on a habitat hunt. They looked for different plants and animals, and searched for their micro habitats. Well done everyone!

Y1 Heachteacher’s Award!

This week, the Headteacher’s award went to this Y1 superstar for great effort in literacy, you have worked super hard and we are very proud. Well done! #WhitehillWonders

Elm Class Scientific Explorers!

The children were scientific explorers in Elm Class today, as they hunted in their local environment for living things! We then brought them back into the classroom to research and identify what they had found. They found a huge selection of minibeasts, trees and plants.  Well done everyone!

Whitehill Wonders!

Our fantastic Whitehill Wonders last week! Well done to everyone for always doing your best, and working so hard. You are superstars! 

Year 5 Literacy Group!

Miss Beevers’ Literacy group are really enjoying their new book Journey to Jo’burg. They have also been making great links to their prior learning about Nelson Mandela. Today, they showed amazing teamwork to create their own story maps of the journey, to help them with their recount next week. Well done Year 5!

KS1 Craft Club Superstars!

This week, we had another great creative session for our KS1 superstars at Craft Club, they made their own busy bees and did such a brilliant job. Well done everyone!

Y3/4 Dynamos Cricket Tournament!

We are so proud of our Y3/4 cricket team who took part in the Dynamos Cricket tournament today! They showed true sportsmanship and demonstrated respect throughout the event. Well done everyone! #WhitehillWonders  

Arts and Crafts Club!

This week, the children in Arts and Crafts Club carefully designed a square tile that can be used as a keyring or pendant. They started by creating a design or pattern using fine felt tips to decorate both sides, then painted over with PVA glue to add shine! Finally, the children used small gems and beads […]

Whitehill Wonders!

Our brilliant Whitehill Wonders last week! Well done to everyone for working so hard, and being absolute superstars. We are extremely proud of you all! 

Y5 Movement Evening Superstars!

We are so impressed with these Year 5 superstars who participated in the movement evening at Clifton Community School, they did brilliantly and made their school very proud! Well done! #WhitehillWonders

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