Y2 Science Experiment!
This week, Holly and Chestnut Class completed a Science investigation all about sound. They observed which instruments created the most vibrations and why. They then
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This week, Holly and Chestnut Class completed a Science investigation all about sound. They observed which instruments created the most vibrations and why. They then
This week, KS1 enjoyed a Harvest assembly with the Rivers Team. Sarah talked to the children about where their food comes from, and what happens
Last week, the children at Brinsworth really enjoyed their Rockstar Day! They had a fantastic Rockstar Assembly, and they logged onto TT Rockstars and practised
Yesterday, Chestnut Class had a great afternoon exploring the school and completing their sketch map for all of the areas inside the school, by using
Year 2 have been studying the artist Claude Monet and his famous landscapes. After learning all about the history of the artist, and answering the
Yesterday afternoon, Chestnut Class had a lovely time in their Science lesson! They learned all about sounds and went on a sound hunt around school.
Last week, KS1 had a wonderful day at the seaside! The children were fantastic and really enjoyed themselves. They built sandcastles, dug out the River
In Maths last week, Mrs Sharp’s class had a fabulous morning practicing their directional language. The children placed a bean bag on the grid and
On Wednesday, Chestnut Class had a wonderful day celebrating Eid, whilst carrying out their fieldwork in Geography as part of their Fieldwork Fortnight. They went
Last week, Chestnut Class had a fantastic time in Science, going on a habitat hunt. They looked for different plants and animals, and searched for
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Today, this Year 4 superstar received the Headteacher Award for outstanding effort in Literacy. You have worked brilliantly, and should be extremely proud of yourself. Well
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