“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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School News

Whitehill Wonders!

Our fantastic Whitehill Wonders last week! Well done to everyone for always doing your best, and working so hard. You are superstars! 

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Oak Class

Year 5 Literacy Group!

Miss Beevers’ Literacy group are really enjoying their new book Journey to Jo’burg. They have also been making great links to their prior learning about

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School News

Arts and Crafts Club!

This week, the children in Arts and Crafts Club carefully designed a square tile that can be used as a keyring or pendant. They started by

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School News

Whitehill Wonders!

Our brilliant Whitehill Wonders last week! Well done to everyone for working so hard, and being absolute superstars. We are extremely proud of you all! 

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School News

Whitehill Wonders!

Well done to last weeks fantastic Whitehill Wonders! You all work so hard, and consistently put in an amazing amount effort, both in and out

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