“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Following tonight’s government announcement

Following tonight’s government announcement: Boris Johnson has announced a complete lockdown of the UK, instructing people not to leave their homes or meet in groups of more than two people. This is to further enforce social distancing measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

With this in mind, you must only send your child to school if it is absolutely essential. It is important that no student or member of staff should come to school that has not been scheduled to do so. Students that are due to attend school must only do so where no safe alternative is available.  We strongly encourage parents to make alternative arrangements where possible to reduce contact with people outside of the family home and risk spreading the virus.

We all need to play our part to keep ourselves safe and help reduce the strain on our local NHS services.

Thank you for your ongoing support during this challenging time.

Brinsworth White-01

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Y4 Headteacher’s Award

Today, this Year 4 superstar received the Headteacher Award for outstanding effort in Literacy. You have worked brilliantly, and should be extremely proud of yourself. Well

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