FS2 Working Hard
Last week the children have really enjoyed box modeling. They have worked hard on some amazing creations! They have also been busy painting circles in the style of Kandinsky.
F2 Physical Skills
Children in F2 have been very busy this week practising their physical skills.
FS2 Exploring Outdoors!
This week we have loved exploring our outdoor area! We’ve had lots of fun bug hunting and pretending to be firefighters!
The Long & Short of it!
This week in FS2 we have been learning to compare objects by size. We have been using the language ‘big’, ‘small’, ‘tall’, ‘short’ and ‘long’.
FS2 Maths Class
Mrs Hanson is really pleased with her maths group who have been working really hard solving addition problems.
Nursery & Foundation Admissions – AM & PM Places Now Available
Spring is in the air!
The children in F2 have been digging and planting. We can wait for our produce to grow!
Pancake Day!
Children in F2 had great fun cooking and eating pancakes today. What topping would you choose?
Mental Health Week in FS2
We have been exploring our different feelings as part of Mental Health Week in FS2. We know we can feel happy, sad, angry, and scared, We thought carefully about what makes us happy and how we can make other people feel happy too.
Nurse Sarah Visits FS2
Thank you so much to nurse Sarah for coming to visit us in FS2 today to talk about the people that help us. We found out lots of information, asked some excellent questions, and got to test some of the equipment used in hospitals.